Friday, October 24, 2014

Bitter Truth

i copy this from my friend FB status, actually i do not have enough gut to share it on my own FB's wall because i know it will offend some of my friends here. hehe

Since i was 13, i started spending my life in hostel, far away from home, the place where family begins.
I spent 3 years in Islamic secondary school, 2 years in Islamic secondary boarding school, 3 months in preparation college, and now almost 5 years spent in Jordan.
Last week was like a dream. Mom, dad and my 2 younger siblings came to visit me. The feeling was the same like when i was in hostel a 5-9 years ago, when mom and dad came to pay me a visit after about 3-4 hours of driving from home. It's weekend, it's family time, after about 1 month talking with each other only through public phone.
And last week, they finally arrived here to look at the place where 5 years ago they've decided to send me to get my degree. It takes about 12 hours journey flight to come here, plus hours they have to spent during transit.
Dad, when i suggest for them to go to Turkey instead of coming here (because of many reasons), he refused. He said he just want to see the place where i spent my 5 years, not to be a real tourist who visit a nice place. I said okay then.
They came, and today was the last day, and they've already in flight now, going back home. May they arrive safely insyaAllah.
Today, dad said something to me at the airport "come back early to Malaysia, here is not the place to live your life."
I know why, i just smiled.
I frankly when my family walks on the university street, feel very insecure. People started to laugh, to humiliate, to call us chinese whatsoever, to speak in stupid language that they themselves wouldn't understand, and do things that they themselves wouldn't want to be done to their mom, dad and family.
Last month, my sister was busy applying for scholarship to further her studies overseas. At that time, i would never feel reluctant to say no to her if ever she was thinking to choose here as her place for studying.
I would never allow. I would never let them feel the way i feel, the insecurity, the harm, the humiliation, the disrespect i got, and everything that is inappropriate to be done to a human being, especially being done by a Muslim, to other Muslim.
I can look after myself, it's okay that i'm alone here in this foreign place. But i would say no to my sister, or even to my family if they ever wants to come here again, alone. It's not because they are weak, but it's because i love them so much, that i wouldn't take a chance for anything bad being done to them.
I hate seing them being humiliated. I hate seing people lied to them. You can do this to me, but not my family.
Urgh, i'm done. I wanna go home. insyaAllah.
Thanks mom and dad, for coming. It's a precious present for my graduation. Alhamdulillah.
*But i would never deny that there's always good people and bad people in anyway u go. Bad people is bad, and good people is good. No generalisation should be made, dear self.

p/s: aku dah penat <---- tekan sini.

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